Graduate Student Funding and Policies

There are three different graduate student specific classifications that will commonly appear on the accounts:

  • Teaching Assistants (Expense Type 71215)
  • Type B Research Assistants (Expense Type 71200), and
  • Type A Research Assistants (xpense Type 71215).

Under usual circumstances, teaching assistants should be funded only from internally funded accounts, most commonly departmental teaching accounts.

Research assistants are most commonly funded from sponsored awards or from unrestricted start-up funding. The difference between the two types of research assistants is that Type B generates a tuition support charge (subaccount 8319) at the current rate for the fiscal year. Type A research assistants do not generate this charge. The Physical Sciences Division's established policy for graduate research assistants is to request tuition support.  The current rate for Academic Year 2024-2025 is 48.5% of graduate student base funding. The amount partially covers the graduate student's actual tuition cost. By default, all research assistants should be Type B unless the award regulations specifically prohibit tuition support charges in connection with research assistants or during limited periods when graduate students are not registered, usually summer quarters early in the graduate career.

Research assistants must serve for a minimum of 2 consecutive months during a quarter. However, if possible, it is best to issue full quarter appointments for both research assistants and teaching assistants.

If a grant or funding source does not allow charges for insurance and fees, those charges should go on COA 609-25200-74651-100000-600-9999-99999-999-999-9999, "Insurance and Grad Fees".

Grant funds should not be used as a convenient source of student financial aid. Efforts should be made to ensure that the number of students and the time they spend on the award are in line with the award budget. During the proposal phase, it is important for the PI to carefully think through how many months their research assistant(s) can be reasonably expected to work on the project annually rather than assuming that it will always be for 12 months. Likewise, the number of person-months it should reasonably take to complete the project should be carefully considered.

PSD Standard Type B Graduate Research Assistant Funding

Since October 2021, GRA insurance and graduate student fees are paid separately from the base funding. Base funding, insurance, and fees are subject to recovery of indirect costs. Tuition remission is only charged on the base funding.

Effective October 2024, the GRA compensation at the Physical Sciences Division of the University of Chicago consists of $45,000 as a 12-month 100% effort GRA, $4,998 for health insurance, $1,936 for graduate student fees and tuition remission at a rate of 48.5%.

Graduate Research Assistant Fees  

In accordance with the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Division’s established policy, graduate student fees are applied commensurate to the level of effort each year.

Tuition Remission

Graduate student tuition remission is requested in accordance with the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Division's established policy of requesting tuition support at the rate 48.49% (Academic Year 2024-2025) of graduate student salaries. The amount partially covers the graduate student's actual tuition cost.

PSD GRA Funding Academic Year 2024-2025

Annual Grad RA Funding, Academic Year 2024-2025
1 Oct 24 to 30 Sep 25
Annual Base Funding                                        45,000
Annual Insurance  4,998
Annual Graduate Student Fees 1,936
Total Annual Funding 51,934
Tuition remission @ 48.5% of Base Funding             21,825
Total Annual Cost, 2024-2025                                                    73,759
Quarterly Grad RA Funding, Academic Quarters 2023-2024
1 Oct 24 to 30 Jun 25
Academic Quarters, Base Funding                          11,250
Academic Quarters, Insurance  1,666
Academic Quarters, Student Fees  484
Total Quarterly Funding 13,400
Tuition remission @ 48.5% of Base Funding  5,456
Total Quarterly Cost, Academic Quarters 2023-2024                     18,856
Quarterly Grad RA Funding, Summer Quarter 2025
1 Jul to 30 Sep 2025
Summer Quarter Base Funding                                  11,250
Summer Quarter Insurance  0
Summer Quarter Student Fees 484
Total Summer Quarter Funding 11,734
Tuition remission @ 48.5% of Base Funding  5,456
Total Cost, Summer Quarter 2024                                                 17,190

PSD GRA Funding Academic Year 2023-2024

Annual Grad RA Funding, Academic Year 2023-2024
1 Oct 23 to 30 Sep 24
Annual Base Funding (Subaccount 1801)                                          40,800     43,600
Annual Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 4,917 4,917
Annual Graduate Student Fees (Subaccount 8396) 1,864 1,864
Total Annual Funding 47,581 50,381
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 21,420 22,890
Total Annual Cost, 2023-2024 69,001 73,271
Quarterly Grad RA Funding, Academic Quarters 2023-2024
1 Oct 23 to 30 Jun 24
Academic Quarters, Base Funding (Subaccount 1801) 10,200 10,900
Academic Quarters, Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 1,639 1,639
Academic Quarters, Student Fees (Subaccount 8396) 466 466
Total Quarterly Funding 12,305 13,005
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 5,355.00 5,722.50
Total Quarterly Cost, Academic Quarters 2023-2024 17,660 18,728.50
Quarterly Grad RA Funding, Summer Quarter 2024
1 Jul to 30 Sep 2024
Summer Quarter Base Funding (Subaccount 1801)  10,200  10,900
Summer Quarter Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 0 0
Summer Quarter Student Fees (Subaccount 8396) 466 466
Total Summer Quarter Funding 10,666 11,366
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 5,355 5,722.50
Total Cost, Summer Quarter 2024 16,021 17,088.50

PSD GRA Funding Academic Year 2022-2023

Annual Grad RA Funding, Academic Year 2022-2023
1 Oct 22 to 30 Sep 23
Annual Base Funding (Subaccount 1801)                                      37,000      39,540
Annual Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 4,800 4,800
Annual Graduate Student Fees (Subaccount 8396) 1,683 1,683
Total Annual Funding 43,483 46,023
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 19,425 20,759
Total Annual Cost, 2022-2023 62,908 66,782
Monthly Grad RA Funding, Academic Quarters 2022-2023
1 Oct 22 to 30 Jun 23
Monthly Base Funding (Subaccount 1801)                                      3,083        3,295
Monthly Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 533 533
Monthly Graduate Student Fees(Subaccount 8396) 150 150
Total Monthly Funding 3,766 3,978
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 1,619 1,730
Total Monthly Cost, Academic Quarters 2022-2023 5,385 5,708
Monthly Grad RA Funding, Summer Quarter 2023
1 Jul to 30 Sep 2023
Monthly Base Funding (Subaccount 1801)                                        3,083      3,295
Monthly Insurance (Subaccount 8395) 0 0
Monthly Graduate Student Fees(Subaccount 8396) 112 112
Total Monthly Funding 3,195 3,407
Tuition remission @ 52.5% of Base Funding (Subaccount 8319) 1,619 1,730
Total Monthly Cost, Summer Quarter 2023 4,814 5,137